Welcome to the Counselor's Corner.
Counseling services are provided by a licensed school counselor. Students, parents, teachers, and staff may consult with the counselor.
Services provided:
- Consulting with community members
- Individual counseling sessions with students upon referral
- Small group counseling
- Classroom guidance lessons at teacher request
When a child is referred for counseling services, the counselor will contact the parents/guardians before counseling sessions begin.
Meet the counselor to discuss any of the following:
- Friendships & Relationships
- Family changes
- Grief issues
- Mistreatment
- Mediation
- Safety concerns (for yourself or others)
The District Counseling office will provide resources, professional development and support to APS Professional School Counselors, assisting them to embrace and enhance school counselor best practices, while advocating for every student to receive equitable access to rigorous academic preparation, and college and career readiness.
The Counseling Programs are in alignment with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) model, is designed to meet the following career development standards for all students:
- Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions.
- Students will employ strategies to achieve further career success and satisfaction.
- Students will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education and training and the world of work.
Contact Information
Irma Vega Gomez
Counselor, Elementary
Clarissa Sandoval
Counselor, Middle
Important Resources
Agora Crisis Center
505-277-3013, 855-505-4505
Agora Crisis Center Website
NM Crisis Hotline
Southwest Family Guidance Center
(505) 830-1871
APS Title I Family Resources
(505) 253-0330
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Website